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/ PC World Komputer 2007 December / PCWKCD1207B.iso / 3 x Auslogics - pelne wersje specjalne / Auslogics Registry Defrag 4.1 / regdefrag_install.exe / {app} / regdefrag,2.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TFRMPROGRESS / TFRMPROGRESS.txt
Text File  |  2007-10-03  |  3KB  |  156 lines

  1. object frmProgress: TfrmProgress
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  46.       Stretch = True
  47.     end
  48.     object axlAnalyzingRegistry: TAxLabel
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  57.       Caption = 'Analyzing the registry'
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  85.       Caption = '<b>Scanning the registry: 0%</b>'
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  94.     object axlScanningHive: TAxLabel
  95.       Left = 24
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  101.       Caption = 'Scanning registry hive: Registry\Security'
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  109.     end
  110.     object axlWait: TAxLabel
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  116.       Transparent = True
  117.       AutoSize = False
  118.       Caption = 
  119.         'Please wait till the scan is complete. You can <b>stop</b> Regis' +
  120.         'try Defrag pressing Esc or Alt+F4 buttons...'
  121.       Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  128.     end
  129.     object prbProgress: TProgressBar
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  137.   end
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  147.   end
  148.   object tmProgress: TTimer
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  152.     Left = 337
  153.     Top = 13
  154.   end
  155. end